Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Chocolate Mile Run Down the Puder Canyon

Normally the Poudre canyon water is cold and beautiful and clear like this:
Funny Picture Huh! Well we started to drive up to run an area called filter plant in our kayaks. On the way I noticed something disturbing.. The white water rapids.. weren't white. Kaleb Walton Our friend that came with us said " I think that there was an oil spill".. Thats how bad it looked.. Thats also how dumb Kaleb is!.. Just kidding Kaleb your not dumb... just slow.
We decided to still run it.. We were already there.. How bad could it be??:

Because we only had one car we took all of the gear up at the top and then I drove down and then hitch hiked back up. The guy That I hitched back up with was like " I don't know how smart it is to run this water". As he talked a little to me and realized that I couldn't even finish full sentences.. he agreed that running it would be the best thing. So we did. We just kept saying: "don't roll, don't roll!" well.. we all rolled and we were all filthy after:

I guess the water level was so high they opened the flood gates on a damn that they normally don't. It released all of the silt that had been storing up for years.The pictures don't do the dirt justice. Anyway it was still fun and after we sprayed ourselves and our gear off with the hose all was well!
The End

1 comment:

Megan said...

Yuck. You guys are, like, totally hard core. Crazy. That water is naaaaaasty!