Tuesday, June 10, 2008

DeNaes Garden

Well... All that diggin up grass and planting paid off..... I think. DeNae says that we have a healthy garden and we will be seeing great Peas, cucumbers, zucchini, and tomatoes... I say they cost .25 at the store but.. Like John Denver says nothing beats the taste of home grown tomatoes. It's a happy little garden because it has a happy little gardener.. I meant DeNae.. I'll be happy when I'm eating my BLT! I sure hope the bacon seeds start to grow!
The End


J Cameron said...

Remember when you used to take care of our little tomato plants--the only things in our garden? You were so careful with them, and then, of course, scarfed them as soon as they grew. I'm glad you have a happy little gardener. Maybe some of that will rub off on me. Hmmm. Not until you move closer:)

Megan said...

What a cute little garden. I hope it doesn't freeze like ours did last night.

And did you make DeNae put on those overalls for the picture? I can see you doing that. She looks like the perfect little gardener. Yay for plants.